In the Baltic countries, Russian-speaking populations navigate between a complex identity shaped by their Soviet past and the ongoing conflict involving Russia. While some maintain a cultural connection to their heritage, many grapple with feelings of alienation due to the current geopolitical tensions. The war in Ukraine has intensified concerns about nationalism, security, and the rights of ethnic Russians abroad. As they seek to integrate into their Baltic nations, these communities often find themselves balancing nostalgia for the Soviet era with a desire for stability and acceptance. Understanding their perspectives is crucial for fostering social cohesion in a rapidly changing regional landscape.
This fiction takes place in a secret city like many others that existed in the former USSR where individuals were in a kind of gilded cage - good salaries and all possible comforts despite a certain confinment for the needs of the nearby atomic power plant. Some people there dream of fleeing and discovering the real world and not the idealized one presented to them.